Emoji dictionary

🎾 Tennis Racquet and Ball emoji

or Tennis emoji or Tennis Ball emoji [ ten-is rak-it and bawl ih-moh-jee ]

What does 🎾 Tennis Racquet and Ball emoji mean?

The Tennis Racquet and Ball emoji 🎾 depicts a tennis racquet (also spelled racket) and tennis ball. It is commonly used to represent the sport of tennis and is also used more generally to refer to sports and athletics. The Tennis Racquet and Ball emoji 🎾 sees increased usage during major tennis tournaments such as the French Open (which started May 17, 2021), Australian Open, and Wimbledon.

Why exactly is it calledΒ love? Here are some tennis terms you can use to impress your doubles opponents after a tough three-setter.

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Where does 🎾 Tennis Racquet and Ball emoji come from?

The Tennis Racquet and Ball emoji 🎾, also popularly called Tennis emoji or Tennis Ball emoji, was approved under Unicode 6.0 in 2010. On most major platforms, the emoji depicts a tennis racquet leaning toward the right with a green tennis ball located next to the upper-left of the racquet. The racquet is purple on Google and Microsoft, orange on Samsung, and blue on Facebook. The Apple, WhatsApp, and Twitter versions of the emoji only depict a green tennis ball.

The Tennis Racquet and Ball emoji 🎾 sees more usage during the summer months when the weather is nice enough in most places to play tennis in outdoor courts. Tennis is a fairly popular sport, so the Tennis Racquet and Ball emoji 🎾 is commonly used. It is also often used to refer to specific, popular tennis players such as the Williams sisters and Roger Federer.

The word racquet is a variant of racket. Racket is predominantly used in the US and recognized by tennis organizations.

Examples of 🎾 Tennis Racquet and Ball emoji

I just reserved a tennis court in Central Park for next month, and I can't wait 🎾
@jesus_jimz, April 27, 2021
I came out here to practice my serve 🎾 And the wind wanna act crazy... πŸ˜’
@DeuceSegundo, April 26, 2021

Who uses 🎾 Tennis Racquet and Ball emoji?

The Tennis Racquet and Ball emoji 🎾 is commonly used to refer to the sport of tennis.

More generally, the Tennis Racquet and Ball emoji 🎾 is used to refer to sports or outdoor activities.

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This is not meant to be a formal definition of 🎾 Tennis Racquet and Ball emoji like most terms we define on Dictionary.com, but is rather an informal word summary that hopefully touches upon the key aspects of the meaning and usage of 🎾 Tennis Racquet and Ball emoji that will help our users expand their word mastery.