Gender & Sexuality dictionary

feminine energy

[ fem-uh-nin en-er-jee ]

What does feminine energy mean?

Feminine energy refers to an invisible spiritual force that is related to traits usually focused on emotions, compassion, and introspection.

Generally speaking, feminine energy is often said to be connected to positive emotional qualities, such as empathy and patience, and beneficial traits, like creativity, good communication skills, and high self-esteem. It is often said that a person who is aware of and focuses on their feminine energy or has high amounts of it will demonstrate these positive qualities.

There are also supposedly negative traits typically associated with feminine energy, as well, such as being seductive or assertive. These traits are often referred to as dark feminine energy (as opposed to light feminine energy). However, the specifics of what feminine energy is and what traits it affects often vary depending on who is explaining it.

There is also, of course, masculine energy, which is often described as being a logical force that drives people to actively accomplish their goals. Those who believe in these energies believe that both energies influence a person’s actions and many people are more dominant in one energy over the other. Despite their names, feminine and masculine energies are believed to be part of every person, no matter their gender.

Feminine energy is often described similarly to other spiritual forces, such as qi or the chakras. All of these forces are often talked about alongside meditation, yoga, and other activities thought to improve a person’s spiritual well-being.

And like other spiritual or energetic forces, feminine energy is also used in marketing to sell products, such as self-help books or dietary supplements that supposedly enhance a person’s feminine energy and allow them to demonstrate the positive qualities linked to it.

Feminine energy is sometimes referred to as divine feminine energy when the speaker is emphasizing spirituality, especially when trying to sell a product.

Where does feminine energy come from?

dark aqua text "feminine energy" on light aqua background

The term feminine energy combines the words feminine, which refers to something that is related to women or females, and energy, which refers to power or a source of power. Feminine energy is often described as an invisible energetic force that is related to traits, such as compassion and empathy, that have been stereotypically associated with women.

The term feminine energy has been used since at least the 1990s. Often, it was used in discussions by people interested in spirituality or religious thought. The concept of feminine energy seems to have been inspired by much older, similar ideas from Hinduism, Chinese philosophy, and other spiritual traditions.

More recently, the term feminine energy has been frequently used in marketing to sell books or other products that claim to improve a person’s spiritual health.

Examples of feminine energy

Pat McGrath even released a limited edition pink mascara. It’s safe to say that this trend will just make us tap into our feminine energy and live our pastel daydreams.
Manar Elbaz, Cosmopolitan Middle East, February 27, 2023
Your life is transforming for the better. This allows you to tap more into your feminine energy as you no longer have to rush. You’re creative, receiving of goodness & peace. A person nurtures themselves spiritually, physically & emotionally.
@nottydesignss, February 19, 2023

Who uses feminine energy?

Feminine energy is often discussed by people who are interested in spirituality and/or self-help. It is often discussed positively as being a helpful force.

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This is not meant to be a formal definition of feminine energy like most terms we define on, but is rather an informal word summary that hopefully touches upon the key aspects of the meaning and usage of feminine energy that will help our users expand their word mastery.