Tag Archives: category-video

  1. Getty

    Compliment vs. Complement: How To Pick The Right Word

    Compliment and complement are commonly confused terms because they’re pronounced alike and originally shared some meanings. But over time, they’ve become separate words with entirely different definitions. What does complement mean? Complement with an E is the older of the two terms. Its noun sense has been around in English since the 1300s. The term derives from the Latin complēmentum, meaning “something that completes.” So, that means if …

  2. The Power Of Reclaiming Controversial Terms

    Fair warning: Reading ahead will put you in contact with some controversial “bad” words. There are some words in English considered so derogatory and controversial that some people won’t even type them out. They’re shortened, instead, to the just one letter, followed by “word.” The c-word. The b-word. They’re the sort of words young children are told never to utter and most certainly not to hurl …

  3. Watch And Learn Word Facts

    Watch and learn more about these word facts that mess everyone up! Want to know how to better use language and grammar? We have some wonderful Word Fact videos for you!

  4. Better Living Through Language

    Can you improve by incorporating the language from these videos into your everyday routine? Here’s our take on how to live better and achieve more through the use of language. Watch these videos to see how to improve outlook, mindset, and positivity through the use of words. And, for more chances to improve using words and language, check these books out: The Positivity Kit: Instant …

  5. These Kids Know What’s Up

    Watching these kids may just make your day a little better. These videos feature some of our favorite kids giving us their insight and advice on everything from idioms to parenthood.

  6. A Look At Pop Culture

    Pop culture means “cultural activities or commercial products reflecting, suited to, or aimed at the tastes of the general masses of people.” Let’s take a look at some videos that show us a little bit more about pop culture. From how to use emoji to Twitter, we have pop culture covered in our pop-culture videos. Sit back and relax while you learn more about what …