Tag Archives: interest-geology

  1. light blue text on dark blue background: "crevasse vs. crevice"

    “Crevasse” vs. “Crevice”: Understanding The Chasm Of Differences

    Both crevasse and crevice refer to cracks in things, but their meanings are not exactly the same. And neither are their pronunciations. In this article, we’ll break down the distinctions, explain how the difference in pronunciation can help you remember the difference in meaning, and reveal which one is big enough for you to fall into. A crevasse, [ kruh–vas ] with a second syllable …

  2. text on dark green background: magma vs. lava

    “Magma” vs. “Lava”: Which Is Scarier?

    Raise your hand if you’ve ever made an exploding volcano. For a lot of us, that volcano project was a key milestone of our science fair years. (And if you didn’t build it, chances are, one of your classmates definitely did.) As you might recall, the project requires a few key ingredients, including dish soap, white vinegar, baking soda, and food coloring. All of these are assembled …