Tag Archives: interest-literacy

  1. Easy As A, B, C: Fun Ways To Help Kids Learn Their Letters

    By Lindsay Barrett Parents, caregivers, and educators celebrate children’s mastery of the ABCs as an important milestone on the road to reading and writing. But, there’s much more to learning the alphabet than a cute rendition of the ABC song. Here’s the lowdown on the different aspects of learning about letters—and plenty of fun activities to help your children or students become alphabet experts. How …

  2. How To Make Learning Fun: Using Playtime To Build Literacy

    By Lindsay Barrett We all want our kids to learn what they need to be successful. But guess what most kids want to do? Play! And let’s face it: we adults want to play, too. But learning and playtime can, and should, happily overlap. A growing body of research highlights the many benefits of open-ended play activities like building, pretending, creating, and just getting all-around …