Tag Archives: interest-ocean

  1. boat leading a ship

    “Boat” vs. “Ship”: Chart A Course To Understand The Difference

    Ahoy, me hearties! A true seadog worth their salt would never let aboard a landlubber who calls their ship a boat. That kind of mixup is the talk that gets you walking the plank! In this article, we’ll sail the seven seas of nautical knowledge to define the difference between the words ship and boat, explain what they refer to in technical and casual use, …

  2. Close-up of octopus, blue filter.

    Squid vs. Octopus: Understand The Differences

    You probably know that octopuses and squids are different animals, but if one latched onto you and refused to let go until you were able to list all the differences, how much would you really be able to say? (Scary hypothetical, we know.) After all, they’re both boneless sea creatures with lots of arms, right? Well, sort of. There are several major differences, not to …

  3. Take An Aquarium Word Trip With Dictionary.com And Georgia Aquarium

    One of the easiest and most fun learning activities to do while distance learning is to take a virtual field trip. During the Covid-19 pandemic, educational spaces like museums, national parks, and even NASA are opening their doors for virtual tours. For kids who love learning about animals and the environment, one recommended stop is Georgia Aquarium. Even if you don’t live anywhere near Atlanta, …