Tag Archives: serp-distance-learning

  1. 8 Home Learning Tricks To Keep Your Kids Engaged 

    Call it remote learning, online learning, distance learning or homeschooling, there are millions of parents across the country whose children no longer head off to school but rather wake up within the walls of their virtual classroom. While there have always been those parents who choose homeschooling for their children’s education, the COVID-19 pandemic has chosen that option for many who never dreamed they’d (and …

  2. 5 Mom-Tested Tips To Make Zoom Learning Work For Your Kid

    By now, remote learning has become many families’ new normal, but that doesn’t mean every kid is a fan. Many parents are still struggling to figure out how to use Zoom for class every day, let alone how to help their kids focus while they’re learning online. Being able to attend school in pajama pants certainly has its perks, but it can be hard for …