Tag Archives: serp-Indigenous

  1. native american

    Indigenous Peoples’ Day, Columbus Day, And The Language Of Indigenous Identities

    Indigenous Peoples’ Day and Columbus Day are observed on the same day each year (the second Monday in October), but they aren’t simply different names for the same holiday. They’re two separate observances with different origins. Recently, the observance of Columbus Day has increasingly been replaced with Indigenous Peoples’ Day, including on the official calendars of many state governments, schools, businesses, and other organizations. There …

  2. Understanding Native American Heritage: The Tribes, Languages, And Culture

    November is Native American Heritage Month, a monthlong observance dedicated to celebrating, honoring, and learning about Native American heritage and culture and its diversity. Recognition and preservation of such heritage is particularly important given the history of Indigenous Peoples in North America and their continued efforts to preserve their rich cultures—despite the many acts of genocide, systemic oppression, and erasure they have been targeted with …

  3. Linalool, Floccinaucinihilipilification, And More Trending Words On Dictionary.com

    From the college gridiron to the chemistry lab to a politician in India, the trending word list for October 5–12, 2018 has a world’s worth of information in it. So pack your bags, and get ready to hit the road with us. Linalool LaCroix may be the reason you can’t get enough of bubbly water these days, but the brand is facing a lawsuit that …