Tag Archives: serp-lunar

  1. lunar new year

    Happy Lunar New Year! Learn All About This Celebration

    For millions of Asian Americans and Asian peoples around the world, the Lunar New Year is a time to gather with family, start the year off right, and eat a lot of delicious food. Like, a lot. One of the biggest holidays in East Asia, the Lunar New Year will fall on February 10 in 2024. Because it’s based on the Chinese lunisolar calendar, it’s …

  2. What Words Make a “Supermoon” Super?

    Whether you think it’s up to the hype or not, this celestial event brings along some spectacular lunar activity and equally fun vocabulary. While the names of many moon phases are rich in folklore, the supermoon became “super” because of Richard Nolle—an astrologer with a flair for the dramatic. What does supermoon mean? The prefix super is a Latin loanword meaning “above, beyond” and moon is derived from the Old English …