Tag Archives: serp-mumblecore

  1. flowers in a pitcher

    Cottagecore, Dreamcore, Normcore, And Other -Core Words

    You’ve probably seen the hashtags on TikTok: cottagecore, royalcore, normcore. It’s clear they’re associated with a specific aesthetic and that people are major fans, but what’s the deal with every social trend suddenly getting its own unique -core name? Fandoms naming themselves isn’t a new thing—just ask Taylor Swift’s Swifties or Beyonce’s Beyhive. But the -core trend takes the idea of fandom and applies it …

  2. What Is Mumblecore?

    A curious word hit the mainstream following the 2013 release of a romantic comedy called Drinking Buddies: mumblecore. The term was rumored to have been coined in jest by a sound editor in 2005, but the construct demonstrated considerable lasting power, canonized in New York Times articles such as “A Generation Finds Its Mumble” from 2007 and later in “Mumblecore Masters, Enunciating Clearly,” in reference to Drinking Buddies, starring …