


[ kahm-pe-che ]


  1. a state in SE Mexico, on the peninsula of Yucatán. 19,672 sq. mi. (50,950 sq. km).
  2. a seaport in and the capital of this state.
  3. Gulf of, the SW part of the Gulf of Mexico.


/ kamˈpetʃe /


  1. a state of SE Mexico, on the SW of the Yucatán peninsula: forestry and fishing. Capital: Campeche. Pop: 205 000 (2005 est). Area: 56 114 sq km (21 666 sq miles)
  2. a port in SE Mexico, capital of Campeche state. Pop: 195 000 (2000 est)
  3. Bay of Campeche or Gulf of Campeche
    the SW part of the Gulf of Mexico
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Example Sentences

Their Royal Highnesses will also visit Mexico City, Campeche and Monterrey.

During the revolution of 1842 Campeche was the scene of many engagements between the Mexicans and people of Yucatan.

The name of the state is derived from its principal forest product, palo de campeche (logwood).

When we had been some forty-eight or fifty hours at sea, we found ourselves off the Campeche banks, in quieter water.

The Spaniards sailed away, and did not settle at Campeche until 1541.

Campeche Bay is a far cry from the Ritz-Carlton—but what would life be without its far cries?




