


[ ee-nuhk ]


  1. (in the Bible) the father of Methuselah.
  2. (in the Bible) a son of Cain.
  3. a male given name: from a Hebrew word meaning “teacher.”


/ ˈiːnɒk /


  1. the eldest son of Cain after whom the first city was named (Genesis 4:17)
  2. the father of Methuselah: said to have walked with God and to have been taken by God at the end of his earthly life (Genesis 5:24)

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Example Sentences

Enoch, for his part, has been encouraging many of his clients—including businesses that either have no HR department or rely on one or two people—to avoid imposing a vaccine mandate.

From Time

But as Seth, still more ancient than he, had left books to the Hebrews, they might boast of having some from Enoch also.

Enoch must have been a very ancient writer, since, according to the Jews, he lived in the seventh generation before the deluge.

The Colonel, from his seat in front of the store, like Enoch Arden patiently watching for a sail, grew more despondent each day.

I shouldn't wonder if he takes the matter of Enoch's getting into heaven without dying.

Still his desire is to attain the degree of Enoch or Elijah, and to be fit for the association of angels.





ENOEnoch Arden