


[ al-uhn ]


  1. a first name: from a Celtic word meaning “harmony.”

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We start off where Alan dishes out his methods for ranking well in Google.

We spent the first part of our talk going through some of Alan’s history in the search marketing space.

Alan believes, on some level, that they do pass some link value in Google Search.

As Alan pointed out last week, regulatory measures are sometimes ill-conceived.

From Fortune

David Meyer here in Berlin, filling in for Alan one more time before he returns from vacation.

From Fortune

Alan Gross was in a cheery mood, having survived a grim five-year stint in a Cuban prison.

You have to admire his convictions; most frustrated auteurs in this town just call such things “an Alan Smithee project.”

Alan just happened to be in New York auditioning people, and I got in the room to audition for the first time.

Former Wyoming Senator Alan Simpson-- the Simpson half of Simpson-Mazzoli-- blames the Right along with the Left.

“NATO bullied us in Georgia and now they are doing the same again here, and we have to stop them,” says Alan.

Alan led the way, telling Owen and Amy to keep close to him, and to fear nothing.

Amy was now left alone, that Owen might get behind one bush, and Alan behind another.

So Alan laid his stick across the narrow part, and then jumped over the brook, followed by Owen and Amy.

It was a hard struggle; for the wolf pulled poor Amy one way, and Alan pulled her the other; but at length Alan won the day.

It is due to Alan to say that the misfortune of his wounded leg by no means cooled his courage.





à la mortAlanbrooke