


[ uh-lek-suh ]


  1. a first name, form of Alexandra.

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In a Thursday event unveiling a slew of new home devices ahead of the holidays, Amazon made clearer than ever its determination to flood America with cameras, microphones and the voice of Alexa, its AI assistant.

From Axios

At the center of Amazon’s smart home strategy are voice technologies, exemplified by the Alexa voice assistant.

From Fortune

There are now individual profiles as well as an Alexa hub that lets you know what you can do by talking to the voice assistant.

Amazon is making it easier for Alexa devices owners to use Routines.

That’s a departure from how Alexa works—you can go and listen to recordings of your Alexa requests right now by logging into your Amazon account.

Since switching the doorknobs, Hoffman says, Alexa and everyone else in the household sleeps better.

Branché's debut issue features Alexa Chung on the cover, and will focus on style, food, culture, and nightlife of NYC.

In lieu of that, Alexa points to a pin on her visor that bears the Raiders logo.

Alexa, standing beside Sky in a dark shirt and visor, perks up at the mention of football.

Sitting with Alexa in a golf cart during the film, her dad jokes: “What do you say when I ask for a day off?”

His cousin Alexa—undoubtedly she was a pretty girl, with her rose-leaf complexion and bright, gray eyes.

Alexa stood immediately behind Constans, her eyes bright with excitement, and her slim hand hidden in her father's huge fist.

Isabeau was the prettiest little brunette in France—et c'est beaucoup dire: Alexa was, perhaps, the loveliest blonde in the world.

Things went on thus without a shadow of 183 turning till Alexa attained her tenth, and Isabeau her thirteenth year.

But if this made a fte for Isabeau, it was something dearer still to Alexa.




