


[ burt ]


  1. a first name, form of Albert, Bertram, Herbert, Hubert, etc.

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Chevy Chase Arcade is a historic commercial mall built in 1925, housing Arcade Beauty Salon, Macon Bistro & Larder, and Bert’s Jewelers.

We should note that Bert and Ernie, despite their differences, are very dear friends!

Vintage footage shows Henson and his longtime sidekick and partner, Frank Oz, manipulating characters like Bert and Ernie, while also showing us the effect on the TV monitor.

From Time

Bert and Ernie, as Sesame Street exasperatedly clarified, are not gay.

Judge Bert Richardson, a Republican appointee of President George W. Bush, tapped McCrum to investigate a case against Perry.

“They need more watching than members of Congress,” says Bert Brandenburg, executive director of the nonpartisan Justice at Stake.

Mad Men is very big on surrogate parents on the show, and Roger always viewed Bert as a surrogate father figure.

During the moon landing, Roger receives some sad news: Bert Cooper passed away.

“With a young son old enough ter help on the farm,” Bert added with a grin.

Bert went off laughing, and presently I saw him driving toward town with his heavy wagon.

I was up in the tree carefully heading this back and out when Bert came driving by with his wagon heaped to overflowing.

He used an antiseptic solution which Bert had provided, for Bert was still buying my milk.

Outside the rain was pouring steadily down, and I found Bert rejoicing, for it was badly needed.




