


or Bet·sey, Bet·si

[ bet-see ]


  1. a first name, form of Elizabeth.

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It includes the Union discharge papers of the great-grandfather of his wife, Betsy.

It’s the third for Mitchell, whose interest in the Civil War was awakened years ago when Betsy inherited a box of memorabilia.

But, like Betsy says, people over the age of 65 and the immune compromised are a different story.

Like many native New Orleanians, Banks, 58, had lived through most of the city’s catastrophic hurricanes, from Betsy in 1965 to Katrina in 2005.

So, between June and September of 2020, Betsy and Iya didn’t post anything on Facebook and Instagram or run any ads on the platforms.

From Digiday

The judge said the royalty payment did not require him to recuse himself, according to 10th Circuit Clerk of Court Betsy Shumaker.

On December 9, 2013, Norris met with Neubauer, her squadron commander Lt Col. Betsy Ross, Col. Tombe, and others.

I'm greeted there by Betsy and Tina who, sitting behind a folding table, sip discounted merlot out of plastic cups.

Betsy Brandt (Marie Schrader) Brandt is currently the female lead on the critically acclaimed NBC sitcom The Michael J. Fox Show.

Marie (Betsy Brandt), who works as a radiology technician, certainly knows how the system works.

I should say, replied Master Bates, with a grin, that he was uncommon sweet upon Betsy.

So she had to go back to dress her mistress, while the old woman lay there, wailing after Betsy.

The next week little Betsy was brought to Rosewood by Anna, with equal delight on both sides.

But Betsy never had forgotten the recollection of old days, and hated Altamont like the foul feind.

Théophile did all he could to make them friends, but nothing was of any use, and at last he was forced to sell Betsy.




