


[ shiv-uh-ree, shiv-uh-ree, shuh-riv-uh-reeor, especially British, shahr-uh-vahr-ee ]


plural: charivarischarivaried charivariing
  1. a variant of shivaree.


/ ˌʃɑːrɪˈvɑːrɪ /


  1. a discordant mock serenade to newlyweds, made with pans, kettles, etc
  2. a confused noise; din

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Word History and Origins

Origin of charivari1

< French, Middle French, of obscure origin; said to be < Late Latin carībaria headache < Greek karēbaría, equivalent to karē-, combining form of kárā, kárē head + -baria ( bar ( ys ) heavy + -ia -ia ), on the hypothesis that such a noisy procession would cause a headache

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Word History and Origins

Origin of charivari1

C17: from French, from Late Latin caribaria headache, from Greek karēbaria, from karē head + barus heavy

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Example Sentences

If there was one there were fifty big locomotives waiting to charivari the McWilliams Special.

At times, this produced a din of voices by no means pleasant to the ear; indeed, it was not unworthy of the name of charivari.

A charivari, even out here in this uncivilized section of the country, can hardly be dangerous.

As a writer of drollery and scandal in the Charivari, would it have been well if he had used his title as a badge?

No, never since French operas began, was there such a charivari heard.





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