

View synonyms for disreputable


[ dis-rep-yuh-tuh-buhl ]


  1. not reputable; having a bad reputation:

    a disreputable barroom.

  2. Synonyms: shameful, louche, low, objectionable, unprincipled, ignoble, disgraceful

  3. shabby or shoddy; of poor quality or condition:

    disreputable clothes.


/ dɪsˈrɛpjʊtəbəl /


  1. having or causing a lack of repute
  2. disordered in appearance

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Derived Forms

  • disˌreputaˈbility, noun
  • disˈreputably, adverb

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Other Words From

  • dis·repu·ta·bili·ty dis·repu·ta·ble·ness noun
  • dis·repu·ta·bly adverb

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Word History and Origins

Origin of disreputable1

First recorded in 1765–75; dis- 1 + reputable

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Example Sentences

Acting was still a disreputable profession, but respectable Nelly is reluctant to become his kept woman.

The program was called “disreputable if not outright illegal” by some NSA officials and was ultimately shut down in 1973.

So far, so disreputable, especially if you bought into Assange's rock-star status.

In 1972, as a young director, he saw his first film released to a handful of disreputable theaters.

Or must they have been pushed, perhaps by her disreputable boyfriend or even a deranged stranger?

With horror she had heard her brother addressed by a disreputable costermonger in a mangy fur cap, as "Old pal."

Indeed it took nearly a couple of years to weed out the disreputable members of this body.

He would form a circle of disreputable youths, for whose drinks Sogrange was called upon to pay.

Beside Clipperton was a disreputable little Mexican with gold rings in his ears.

Its latter days were dreary, down-at-heel, and disreputable enough.




