


[ uh-boo-bak-er ]


  1. a.d. 573–634, Muhammad's father-in-law and successor: first caliph of Mecca 632–634.

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Example Sentences

Osama bin Laden was steeped in Wahhabism, as are many Sunni Jidahists in Iraq and Syria today, such as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

The bad guys may have Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, but we have the example of Ronald Bucca.

Our biggest allies in this argument have been Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

The right-hand man of Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi was killed by an airstrike in Mosul.

“Mujahid pledging allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Islamic State commanding good and forbidding evil,” it reads.

The words Mohammed and Abu Bakr are generally left out when he is mentioned in prayer or in ordinary discourse.

The general lines on which Abu Bakr conducted his government seem to have been followed very closely by all his successors.

This invitation was accepted and Abu Bakr was inaugurated sultan over Sulu soon after his arrival there.

Oummayatah accepted and turned Bilal over to Abu Bakr who granted him his freedom straightway.

All being in readiness, Abu Bakr made the best camel kneel down in front of the Prophet, whom he asked to mount on her back. '





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