
[ jer-ee ]
See synonyms for jerry on
adjectiveBuilding Trades Slang.
  1. of inferior materials or workmanship.

Origin of jerry

First recorded in 1875–80; short for jerry-built

Words Nearby jerry

Other definitions for jerry (2 of 4)

[ jer-ee ]

noun,plural jer·ries.Chiefly British Slang.
  1. a chamber pot.

Origin of jerry

1820–30; short for Jeroboam (because if one drank such a large amount of liquid, one would have to void urine during the night)

Other definitions for Jerry (3 of 4)

[ jer-ee ]

  1. a male given name, form of Gerald, Gerard, Jeremiah, and Jerome.

  2. a female given name, form of Geraldine.

Other definitions for Jerry (4 of 4)

[ jer-ee ]

noun,plural Jer·ries.Older Slang: Sometimes Offensive.
  1. a German, especially a German soldier.

  2. Germans collectively.

Origin of Jerry

First recorded in 1910–15; Ger(man) + -y1

usage note For Jerry

Jerry was a nickname used by Allied soldiers for a German soldier during World War I, but it was more commonly used in World War II. Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use jerry in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for jerry (1 of 2)


/ (ˈdʒɛrɪ) /

nounplural -ries
  1. British an informal word for chamber pot

  2. short for jeroboam

British Dictionary definitions for Jerry (2 of 2)


/ (ˈdʒɛrɪ) /

nounplural -ries British slang
  1. a German, esp a German soldier

  2. the Germans collectively: Jerry didn't send his bombers out last night

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