


  1. A Protestant denomination, founded in the early days of the Reformation , whose members believe in living with great simplicity and who refuse to hold public office or to serve in the military. Some are as strict as the Amish in rejecting modern conveniences, such as automobiles and radios. There are numerous Mennonite communities in Pennsylvania and the Middle West .

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Example Sentences

Conestoga Wood, which makes wood cabinets, is owned by conservative Mennonites.

The members ascribe their origin to the corruptions of the Mennonites.

He belonged to the sect of the Mennonites, who enjoined on their disciples strict separation from the world.

The family was of German descent and had long been identified with the Mennonites of the region of his birthplace.

This form was introduced into the United States in great numbers about fifty years ago by the Mennonites.

The Amish are another branch of the Mennonites, and those among us are likewise descendants of Swiss refugees.




