


  1. variant of pharyngo- before a vowel:



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Words That Use pharyng-

What does pharyng- mean?

Pharyng– is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “pharynx.” The pharynx is the tube or cavity that connects the mouth or nasal passages with the esophagus. Pharyng– is occasionally used in medical terms, especially in pathology.

Pharyng– comes from Greek phárynx, meaning “throat.” Pharynx is not related to larynx, a portion of the throat, from Greek lárynx, meaning “upper windpipe”; however, because the definitions of phárynx and lárynx are so similar, it is possible that the spelling of larynx was influenced long ago by that of pharynx. To learn more, check out our entries for both words.

What are variants of pharyng-?

Pharyng– is a variant of pharyngo, which loses its –o– when combined with words or word elements beginning with vowels. Want to know more? Read our Words That Use article about pharyngo-.

Examples of pharyng-

One example of a medical term that uses pharyng– is pharyngalgia, or pharyngodynia, meaning “pain in the pharynx.”

The pharyng– part of the word means “pharynx.” The algia portion of the word means “pain,” from Greek álgos. Pharyngalgia literally translates to “pharynx pain.”

What are some words that use the combining form pharyng-?

What are some other forms that pharyng– may be commonly confused with?

Break it down!

The combining form ectomy means “excision.” With this in mind, what kind of a medical procedure is a pharyngectomy?



