
[ rahm-bluh ]

  1. a dry ravine.

Origin of rambla

1820–30; <Spanish <Arabic ramlah

Words Nearby rambla

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use rambla in a sentence

  • Then came a visit to the rambla, sad and deserted under the grey sky.

    South America To-day | Georges Clemenceau
  • The populace of Barcelona walked the rambla under the great globes of electric light.

    The Summons | A.E.W. Mason
  • Yet it was on the rambla, and the next morning we awoke to the well-known cries of Barcelona, the old familiar scene.

    Glories of Spain | Charles W. Wood
  • In the afternoons the rambla was crowded with people, strolling to and fro under the shadow of the trees.

    Glories of Spain | Charles W. Wood
  • Such is Cipriani of that name, who has now left the rambla and is wandering along the deserted pier.

    The Grey Lady | Henry Seton Merriman