


  1. variant of rhino- before a vowel:


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Example Sentences

It was still not too late, probably, for a messenger to catch him at the Hôtel du Rhin before he left.

He dressed at the "Rhin," put on an overcoat, and set out to walk to the Rue Gaillard about half-past seven.

On the frontier of the former dpartement of the Haut-Rhin, one may view an immense horizon from the south to the north.

She had been stopping with her daughter at the Htel du Rhin, but whether or not she was still there the clerk did not know.

A direct hit on the Hotel du Rhin would make a nasty mess in this vaulted room and end a game of cards.


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Words That Use rhin-

What does rhin- mean?

Rhin- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “nose.” It is often used in medical terms.

Rhin- comes from the Greek rhī́s, meaning “nose.”

Rhin- is a variant of rhino-, which loses its -o- when combined with words or word elements beginning with vowels.

Want to know more? Read our Words That Use rhino- article.

Examples of rhin-

An example of one of the many medical terms that use rhin- is rhinitis, meaning “inflammation of the nose or its mucous membrane.”

We know that rhin- means “nose.” The second part of the word, -itis, is a combining form used in medical terms to denote “inflammation.” So, rhinitis translates literally to “nose inflammation.”

What are some words that use the combining form rhin-?

What are some other forms that rhin- may be commonly confused with?

The Rhine is a famous river flowing through central Europe, notably Germany. While it begins with the letters rhin-, the name of the Rhine is unrelated to the combining form rhin-, meaning “nose.”

Break it down!

The combining form algia is used as a suffix in medical terminology to mean “pain.” If rhin- means “nose,” then what is a medical term for “pain in the nose”?



