


[ byahng-kah, bee-ahng-kuh ]


  1. a first name: from an Italian word meaning “white.”

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Example Sentences

These days, judging from Instagram, Bianca favors short cropped hair and rocks the look of men’s-style suits and a very proud and defiant expression.

“Start with what’s available at your fingertips,” says Bianca.

Courtney stands in stark contrast to Bianca Del Rio, whose crown it is to lose.

In short, Bianca Del Rio is exemplifying what only one show has dared to ask of its contestants.

As one story goes, Bianca Jagger, impressed, once made a plaster cast of Mara's posterior.

As I was taking off my boots, Bianca came breathlessly into my room.

By listening in on their conversation, we get to know the narrator, Asa Baker-Rouse, and the filmmaker, Bianca Giaever.

Bianca Dolcebuono's words did little to ease the smart of his wound.

But you don't see Knut Holm giving up the game for a little thing like that; no, we must get our old friend Bianca to lend a hand.

If the vision that showed her Frau Bianca on her death-bed had come true, why should not the other one concerning the doctor?

He murmured Bianca's name and closed his eyes, while a happy smile lit up his worn, thin face.

For these men Bianca Stella had danced in vain, for—it remains symbolically true—only the pure in heart can see God.




