


[ awl-tn ]


  1. a city in southwestern Illinois.
  2. a first name.

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Sara Schmidt, a 44-year-old elementary school teacher in Alton, Illinois, is another person who has likely fallen through the data hole.

Someone was sure to capitalize on the Ebola panic, and Dr. Joseph Alton is that guy.

It only takes one glance of Alton's Ebola Survival Handbook to recognize the real threat: him.

In a section titled How Ebola Spreads, Alton outlines how exactly readers might catch this disease.

The website is run by Joe Alton, a retired OB-GYN and fellow at the American College of Surgeons, and his wife, Amy, a nurse.

In this “news” segment, Megyn Kelly discussed Alton Nolan, the Oklahoma man who allegedly beheaded a woman at his workplace.

If some of the people of Alton were glad to have this fearless editor come to their town, many were not.

Lovejoy sent his printing-press to Alton by steamboat, and it was delivered at the wharf on a Sunday morning, about daybreak.

The editor bought a new press and issued his first paper in Alton on September 8, 1836.

There were still a small number of "freedom-loving" people in Alton, however, and these stood back of Elijah Lovejoy.

Next morning the slavery men in Alton said that the Abolitionist had been silenced for the time, at least.




