


or Na·ta·scha

[ nuh-tah-shuh ]


  1. a female given name, Russian form of Natalie.

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Example Sentences

And we have a lot of great guests this season: Greta Gerwig, Natasha Lyonne, Olivia Wilde, Steve Buscemi is back—I love that guy.

His fiancée, Natasha Folley, says she and the children are happy that Payne is back.

Natasha Alexenko is both a victim of rape and of a rape kit backlog.

And both have some notable thespian overlaps (hey there, Michael Harney, Matt Peters, Natasha Lyonne, and Pablo Schreiber).

A third girl, 18-year-old Natasha Weigel, lay face-up across the back seat, also breathing, but also unresponsive.

Natasha answered in the same voice, giving her a hasty pressure of the hand and walking out.

Pavel smiled, was silent, and looked in the girl's face with that soft look he had formerly given Natasha.

Natasha looked at her rather perplexedly, and her fixed serious glance hurt the mother.

Natasha muttered something hotly and rapidly; and again the sonorous voice of the Little Russian was heard.

Sometimes he told me of the contents of certain books; others I read with the priest, Natasha's husband.



