

View synonyms for decorum


[ dih-kawr-uhm, -kohr- ]


  1. dignified propriety of behavior, speech, dress, etc.

    Synonyms: politeness, dignity

  2. the quality or state of being decorous, or exhibiting such dignified propriety; orderliness; regularity.
  3. Usually decorums. an observance or requirement of polite society.


/ dɪˈkɔːrəm /


  1. propriety, esp in behaviour or conduct
  2. a requirement of correct behaviour in polite society

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Word History and Origins

Origin of decorum1

First recorded in 1560–70; from Latin decōrum, noun use of neuter of decōrus decorous

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Word History and Origins

Origin of decorum1

C16: from Latin: propriety

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Synonym Study

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Example Sentences

These nonchalant brutalities seem at first at odds with the genteel decorum that mostly cloaks late-19th century culture.

And literary decorum, to elaborate, is almost the opposite of what decorum means in real life, which means etiquette basically.

They thanked him profusely for his public service, apologized for Republican hectoring, and complained about decorum.

At a certain point is past the line of decorum, but, you know, this is New York.

Not to mention violating whatever sense of decorum is left in the halls of Congress.

His present repose and decorum contrasted strangely with the fanciful display at his first introduction.

Different parties of dogs were introduced to each other with an appearance of the greatest decorum.

By the laws of decorum, for instance, old men should be querulous and young boys given to sudden anger.

But he could not transfer to his pictures a decorum and a common sense that had no place in his mind.

Had he pleaded ill-health, he might have done so with decorum.



