
View synonyms for ice



[ ahys ]


  1. the solid form of water, produced by freezing; frozen water.
  2. the frozen surface of a body of water.
  3. any substance resembling frozen water:

    camphor ice.

  4. a frozen dessert made of sweetened water and fruit juice.
  5. British. ice cream.
  6. icing, as on a cake.
  7. reserve; formality:

    The ice of his manner betrayed his dislike of the new ambassador.

  8. Slang.
    1. a diamond or diamonds.
    2. protection money paid to the police by the operator of an illicit business.
    3. a fee that a ticket broker pays to a theater manager in order to receive a favorable allotment of tickets.

verb (used with object)

, iced, ic·ing.
  1. to cover with ice.
  2. to change into ice; freeze.
  3. to cool with ice, as a drink.
  4. to cover (cake, sweet rolls, etc.) with icing; frost.
  5. to refrigerate with ice, as air.
  6. to make cold, as if with ice.
  7. to preserve by placing on ice.
  8. Ice Hockey. (especially in Canada) to put (a team) into formal play.
  9. Slang.
    1. to settle or seal; make sure of, as by signing a contract:

      We'll ice the deal tomorrow.

    2. to make (a business arrangement) more attractive by adding features or benefits:

      The star pitcher wouldn't sign his new contract until the team iced it with a big bonus.

    3. to kill, especially to murder:

      The mobsters threatened to ice him if he went to the police.

  10. Sports Slang. to establish a winning score or insurmountable lead in or otherwise assure victory in (a game or contest):

    Her second goal iced the game.

verb (used without object)

, iced, ic·ing.
  1. to change to ice; freeze:

    The sherbet is icing in the refrigerator.

  2. to be coated with ice (often followed by up ):

    The windshield has iced up.


  1. of or made of ice:

    ice shavings;

    an ice sculpture.

  2. for holding ice and food or drink to be chilled:

    an ice bucket;

    an ice chest.

  3. on or done on the ice:

    ice yachting.



[ ahys ]


  1. Immigration and Customs Enforcement: a federal agency tasked with interior enforcement of U.S. customs and immigration laws, including cross-border investigations of criminal activity, and the arrest, detention, and removal of undocumented aliens.
  2. in case of emergency: (usually designating an emergency-contact phone number in one's cell phone contact list):

    The paramedic found my mom's ICE number immediately.


  1. a suffix of nouns, indicating state or quality, appearing in loanwords from French:




abbreviation for

  1. Iceland.
  2. Icelandic.



abbreviation for

  1. Institution of Civil Engineers
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012



abbreviation for

  1. Iceland(ic)
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012



/ aɪs /


  1. water in the solid state, formed by freezing liquid water glacial
  2. a portion of ice cream
  3. slang.
    a diamond or diamonds
  4. the field of play in ice hockey
  5. slang.
    a concentrated and highly potent form of methamphetamine with dangerous side effects
  6. break the ice
    1. to relieve shyness, etc, esp between strangers
    2. to be the first of a group to do something
  7. cut no ice informal.
    to fail to make an impression
  8. on ice
    in abeyance; pending
  9. on thin ice
    unsafe or unsafely; vulnerable or vulnerably
  10. the Ice informal.
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


  1. often foll byup, over, etc to form or cause to form ice; freeze
  2. tr to mix with ice or chill (a drink, etc)
  3. tr to cover (a cake, etc) with icing
  4. slang.
    tr to kill
  5. in ice hockey
    1. to shoot the puck from one end of the rink to the other
    2. to select which players will play in a game
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


/ īs /

  1. A solid consisting of frozen water. Ice forms at or below a temperature of 0°C (32°F). Ice expands during the process of freezing , with the result that its density is lower than that of water.
  2. A solid form of a substance, especially of a substance that is a liquid or a gas at room temperature at sea level on Earth. The nuclei of many comets contain methane ice.

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Derived Forms

  • ˈiceless, adjective
  • ˈiceˌlike, adjective
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Other Words From

  • ice·less adjective
  • ice·like adjective
  • re·ice verb reiced reicing
  • un·ice verb (used with object) uniced unicing
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Word History and Origins

Origin of ice1

First recorded before 900; 1905–10 ice fordef 8a; Middle English, Old English īs; cognate with German Eis, Old Norse īss

Origin of ice2

Middle English -ice, -ise < Old French < Latin -itius, -itia, -itium abstract noun suffix
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Word History and Origins

Origin of ice1

Old English īs; compare Old High German īs, Old Norse īss
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Idioms and Phrases

  1. break the ice,
    1. to succeed initially; make a beginning.
    2. to overcome reserve, awkwardness, or formality within a group, as in introducing persons:

      The chairman broke the ice with his warm and very amusing remarks.

  2. cut no ice, Informal. to have no influence or importance; fail to impress:

    Her father's position cuts no ice with me.

  3. ice it, Slang. stop it; that's enough:

    You've been complaining all day, so ice it.

  4. ice the puck, Ice Hockey. to hit the puck to the far end of the rink, especially from the defensive area across the offensive area.
  5. on ice, Informal.
    1. with a good chance of success or realization:

      Now that the contract is on ice we can begin operating again.

    2. out of activity, as in confinement or imprisonment.
    3. in a state of abeyance or readiness:

      Let's put that topic on ice for the moment.

  6. on thin ice, in a precarious or delicate situation: Also skating on thin ice.

    You may pass the course, but you're on thin ice right now.

More idioms and phrases containing ice

see break the ice ; cut no ice ; on ice ; on thin ice ; put on ice ; tip of the iceberg .
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Example Sentences

Lalo said he reported the kidnapping to his ICE handlers, which was confirmed by a former federal agent familiar with the case.

But Huckabee (akin to Elizabeth Warren on the left) is like an ice cream sundae.

Just who is crazy enough to go swimming when the pond across the street has a layer of ice across the top?

Crew members had to cut through the ice on the streets to get shots.

Serve with the warm sauce and your choice of ice cream, whipped cream, or yogurt.

He leant against the wall of his refuge, notwithstanding this boast, and licked the ice to moisten his parched lips.

The left heel followed like lightning, and the right paw also slipped, letting the bear again fall heavily on the ice below.

A long stretch of smooth ice followed, over which he glided with ever-increasing speed.

Profiting by this, Benjy quietly moved away round a colossal buttress of the berg, and took refuge in an ice-cave.

The smile was still on his lips when his head drooped on a piece of ice, and he sank into a deep slumber.


Related Words

Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.


