

View synonyms for rescript


[ ree-skript ]


  1. a written answer, as of a Roman emperor or a pope, to a query or petition in writing.
  2. any edict, decree, or official announcement.
  3. the act of rewriting.
  4. something rewritten.


/ ˈriːˌskrɪpt /


  1. (in ancient Rome) an ordinance taking the form of a reply by the emperor to a question on a point of law
  2. any official announcement or edict; a decree
  3. something rewritten
  4. the act or process of rewriting

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Word History and Origins

Origin of rescript1

1520–30; < Latin rescrīptum an imperial rescript (noun use of neuter past participle of rescrībere to write back, reply). See re-, script

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Word History and Origins

Origin of rescript1

C16: from Latin rēscriptum a reply, from rēscribere to write back

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Example Sentences

Jellacic Imperial rescript repudiated was appointed representative of Austria in Hungary with command of all the forces.

And there remains a rescript of the same prince to Valerius Verus, on the bringing out the credit of witnesses.

Mr. O'Connell, alarmed at the import of a command so fatal, pronounced the rescript "uncanonical."

But the prelates were far from unanimous in their construction of the rescript which they promised unanimously to obey.

Dr. Crolly had previously explained what he considered true obedience to the rescript.



