

View synonyms for whirlpool


[ hwurl-pool, wurl- ]


  1. water in swift, circular motion, as that produced by the meeting of opposing currents, often causing a downward spiraling action.
  2. Heraldry. gurge ( def 2 ).


/ ˈwɜːlˌpuːl /


  1. a powerful circular current or vortex of water, usually produced by conflicting tidal currents or by eddying at the foot of a waterfall
  2. something resembling a whirlpool in motion or the power to attract into its vortex
  3. short for whirlpool bath


/ wûrlpo̅o̅l′ /

  1. A rapidly rotating current of water or other liquid that sucks everything near it toward its center. The meeting of two tides can create a whirlpool.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of whirlpool1

1520–30; whirl + pool 1; compare late Old English hwyrfepōl

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Example Sentences

The shock plunges you into a whirlpool of fear, denial and feverish action.

The new wrinkle is that the river of time may whirlpool and even fork.

The wild frontier life had drawn him in and under, as in a whirlpool; but he was New Englander yet at heart.

The money was sucked into the whirlpool; there was a speedy cry for more; and more was got and sacrificed.

Thereafter we were buffeted like chips in the swirling maw of a whirlpool; we fought our way rod by rod.

He had now come to the verge of the whirlpool of destruction, and, in a frenzied moment, he threw himself into the awful vortex!

He begins to edge in, and starts grinding his camera frantically as he is lifted into the whirlpool of humanity.


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