


[ ey-buhl; Norwegian ah-buhl ]


  1. (in the Bible) the second son of Adam and Eve, slain by his brother, Cain.
  2. Sir Frederick Augustus, 1827–1902, English chemist: inventor of cordite.
  3. I. W., 1908–87, U.S. labor leader: president of the United Steelworkers of America 1965–77.
  4. Niels Hen·rik [neels , hen, -, r, ik], 1802–29, Norwegian mathematician.
  5. a first name.


/ ˈeɪbəl /


  1. Old Testament the second son of Adam and Eve, a shepherd, murdered by his brother Cain (Genesis 4:1–8)

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Example Sentences

Thus, like Michael Corleone, Abel is a man living with a paternal figure looming over his life.

Sid Abel was playing then, and he said: 'Any time you see that net, drill it.'

Nine years later he joined Abel on one of the Red Wing forward lines.

He was, understandably, in a sour mood as Patch creative director Abel Lenz began taking photos of him.

Ignacio Abel, a middle aged architect, is forced to flee to America in 1936 to escape the brutal Spanish Civil War.

Two other children, Moina and Abel, were also the result of this love union.

Abel is a very smart man in his wayand thiserthis job will bring him considerable money, I expect.

Charles Frederick Abel died; an eminent musician, whose performances attracted much attention in Europe.

Abel Sneed, the Unicorn boss, as a matter of precaution went through their 'war bags' while they slept.

How they got a living nobody knew: some thought the gipsy must have an income, others that Abel helped them.




