abbreviation for
- Australian Institute of Sport
Example Sentences
He does not believe, as many theorists do, that there are a nearly infinite number of possible advanced AIs, some of them safe.
Instead, he concludes that without very careful programming, all reasonably smart AIs will be lethal.
Robot Maria was one of the very first evil AIs in film and with her innocent doe-eyes she plunges Metropolis into complete chaos.
He adds that AIS “knows there are two levels of approach to this” and has different therapies for children and adults.
Le 134 defunct estoit couch sur vn ais appuy de quatre fourches, & fut couvert de peaux.
This word comes from Wagoush, a fox, and the denominative inflection a ainc or ais.
The Uru Ais believe that the persons whose heads they take will become their slaves in the next world.
One evening, when she was to come out as Phedra he led me to the stage of the Th atre Fran ais.
Ce n'est pas tre bien ais que de rire—Laughing is not always an index of a mind at ease.