


[ al-uh-ster, -stair ]


  1. a first name.

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Alastair Sim had jowls like melting candle wax, a snarl like a cornered cat and eyes cold with contempt.

My favorite is the 1951 version starring Alastair Sim as Scrooge.

He plays Commander Alastair Denniston, head of the Government Code and Cypher School (GCCS) at Bletchley Park during World War II.

One of his best English translators, Alastair Reid, was a good friend of Neruda, and he died only a month ago in New York.

Stephen Fry will recur as British Prime Minister Alastair Davies.

The estate was mortgaged to the hilt and Sir Alastair was nothing more than a plain Scotch farmer.

And for why should she not be sailing this way to-night, when Alastair is coming home, and is to be here before sundown?

She could scarcely believe it possible that the Clansman could come, after all, and yet not bring Alastair back to her.

But though she saw and unwittingly noted, her thoughts were all with Alastair and with what had kept him.

O Alastair, Alastair, then you are no better: that great doctor you went so far to see has done you no good?





Alas, poor Yorick!alastor