


[ an-suhn ]


  1. a first name.

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Example Sentences

The following year, Robert Sam Anson profiled Kenney for Esquire.

Still, Anson Williams would write her personal notes in the years that followed.

We hoped that poor Anson had been atomized in the explosion, or else quickly immolated in morning sun.

We were both very taken with Anson, he was tall and beauteous and very, very young.

Anson had lived in one of those palaces, in a glittering tower far above Sydney harbor.

Anson's Bay affords good anchorage, and probably has a small rivulet at the bottom.

Anson arrived at Spithead, after a voyage of three years and nine months round the world.

Her face was pretty, Anson decided, but it was obvious that the man would be the deciding factor in this sale.

The woman who stepped off the elevator smiled, showing a lovely dimple, and Anson beamed on her.

"I'm so very sorry," Anson said, slightly flustered, remembering that this was always the crucial moment in a sale.



