


[ bahrk-lee ]


  1. Al·ben William [al, -b, uh, n], 1877–1956, vice president of the U.S. 1949–53.

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Charles Barkley has never been one to shy away from confrontation both on and off the basketball court.

I wonder what Barkley, who disputes the notion that ADHD is over-diagnosed, would have to say about it.

Charles Barkley, the Maryland state lawmaker who championed the bill in the state House.

Most recently, Charles Barkley appeared in a cartoon brawl with Godzilla.

Despite saying in 2008 that he would mount a serious gubernatorial bid in 2014, Barkley changed his mind two years later.

Such is the picture of many a salt sea creek found in the regions round fair Barkley Sound.

Mrs. Barkley with others after inspection concluded it was not a bona fide petition.

The family and the British Columbia map-makers are particular about this name being spelled Barkley.

Fred Barkley dropped in five shillings, and Alice Hardy the same sum.

He said that twice Barkley had got into a rage with him about things which didn't seem of any importance.




