
[ blits ]
See synonyms for blitz on
  1. Military.

    • an overwhelming all-out attack, especially a swift ground attack using armored units and air support.

    • an intensive aerial bombing.

  2. any swift, vigorous attack, barrage, or defeat: a blitz of commercials every few minutes.

  1. Football. act or instance of charging directly for (the passer) as soon as the ball is snapped; red-dogging.

verb (used with object)
  1. to attack or defeat with or as if with a blitz: The town was blitzed mercilessly by enemy planes. The visitors really blitzed the home team.

  2. to destroy; demolish: His last-minute refusal blitzed all our plans.

verb (used without object)
  1. Football. to charge directly and immediately at the passer; red-dog.

  2. to move in the manner of a blitz: a car that will blitz through rough terrain.

Origin of blitz

First recorded in 1935–40; shortening of blitzkrieg

Other words from blitz

  • blitzer, noun

Words that may be confused with blitz

Words Nearby blitz Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use blitz in a sentence

  • Dollmann introduced us, calling him Commander von Brning, in command of the torpedo gunboat blitz.

    The Riddle of the Sands | Erskine Childers
  • His news was that the blitz's steam-cutter had come in on the morning tide, and he had met von Brning when marketing at the inn.

    The Riddle of the Sands | Erskine Childers
  • The hull of the blitz loomed up, and a minute later our kedge was splashing overboard and the launch was backing alongside.

    The Riddle of the Sands | Erskine Childers
  • Then I understood—only men-of-war sound bugles—the blitz was here then; and very natural, too, I thought, and strode on.

    The Riddle of the Sands | Erskine Childers
  • I shall be going back to the blitz on the evening tide, but you'll be busy then with your own boat.'

    The Riddle of the Sands | Erskine Childers

British Dictionary definitions for blitz (1 of 2)


/ (blɪts) /

  1. a violent and sustained attack, esp with intensive aerial bombardment

  2. any sudden intensive attack or concerted effort: an advertising blitz; a drink-driving blitz

  1. American football a defensive charge on the quarterback

  1. (tr) to attack suddenly and intensively

Origin of blitz

C20: shortened from German Blitzkrieg lightning war

British Dictionary definitions for Blitz (2 of 2)


/ (blɪts) /

  1. the Blitz the systematic night-time bombing of Britain in 1940–41 by the German Luftwaffe

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