/ ˈkjuːbən /
- of or relating to Cuba or its inhabitants
- a native or inhabitant of Cuba
Example Sentences
It was doubtless a warm reunion with his family, who are featured in The Cuban Wives.
Julio Cardenas, 25 and an MC from the group RCA, was older but with a youthful smile that hid the harsher sides of Cuban life.
Cuban hip-hop has evolved as well, both Edgar and Julio talk about the band Los Aldeanos as the new generation of Cuban hip-hop.
The Cuban government siphons off revenue from nearly every business transaction in the country.
“Most people are focused on the holidays anyway,” she continued, before adding something about people liking Cuban sandwiches.
Cigars made wholly of imported Cuban tobacco come next on the list.
The Cuban debts and the future of the Philippines were really the knotty points in the entire debate.
Soon after we made the Cuban coast, and stood to the westward, hoping to sight something which would determine our position.
Cuban women excel in charm of mannerism and in their eyes Miss Roosevelt appears unpolished and uncut.
The Mexican products cannot, however, compete with the Cuban brands in favour as yet.