


[ den-tn ]


  1. a city in N Texas.


/ ˈdɛntən /


  1. a town in NW England, in Tameside unitary authority, Greater Manchester. Pop: 26 866 (2001)

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Example Sentences

Denton, who speaks in the clipped cadence of the Oxford-educated Brit he is, has built quite a castle.

Internet media entrepreneur Nick Denton is a person to whom harsh judgments adhere like barnacles.

At this point in his life, Denton has enough filthy lucre in his bank account to affect a certain lack of interest in the stuff.

Pointing out that Nick Denton writes and speaks like a literate adult and not like a 14-year-old in remedial English.

Her new beau, Mike Delfino (James Denton), found her in the bushes and proceeded to ask her out on a date anyway.

James Denton, not yet inclined for bed, sat him down in an arm-chair and read for a time.

Such was the general drift of Mr. Cattell's observations on the occasion of his first interview with Mr. Denton.

Now, I do not know exactly what the fabric was; but it had a design printed upon it, which completely fascinated Miss Denton.

And Miss Denton—who, by the way, had none of the stuff in her own room—was much disposed to agree with him.

Denton was about to return an angry reply, when the half-breed again appeared and pointed significantly to the waiting supper.




