


[ deer-bern, -bawrn ]


  1. Henry, 1751–1829, U.S. soldier and diplomat: Secretary of War 1801–09.
  2. a city in SE Michigan, near Detroit.


/ ˈdɪəbən; -ˌbɔːn /


  1. a city in SE Michigan, near Detroit: automobile industry. Pop: 96 670 (2003 est)

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Example Sentences

In 1985, the mayor of Dearborn distributed fliers about the growing “Arab problem.”

Jerry Lee, performing for a week at the Dearborn Hyatt, picked Shawn out from among the girls.

So, yes, founding a burger chain in Dearborn that pays people $15 an hour might seem crazy.

In Dearborn, Michigan, high school junior Geno Policicchio has made headlines for playing football and basketball with one arm.

In Dearborn, Michigan, the ArabAmericanPAC dinner is a must-do event for candidates.

Some time after, having been exchanged, Hull was arraigned before a court-martial, of which General Dearborn was president.

It was arranged that he should drive us to Louisville in his dearborn; and so ended our walk of two hundred and fifty miles.

This was pleasing to Morgan, as he and Dearborn had fought the enemy at Quebec, where both had been taken prisoners.

Captain Dearborn tells us how downcast he was when he was forced to kill and eat his fine Newfoundland dog.

We then procured a carriage (dearborn), and pursued our journey to Harmony by land.





dearDearborn Heights