
View synonyms for decline


[ dih-klahyn ]

verb (used with object)

, de·clined, de·clin·ing.
  1. to withhold or deny consent to do, enter into or upon, etc.; refuse:

    He declined to say more about it.

    Synonyms: reject

  2. to express inability or reluctance to accept; refuse with courtesy:

    to decline an invitation; to decline an offer.

  3. to cause to slope or incline downward.
  4. Grammar.
    1. to inflect (a noun, pronoun, or adjective), as Latin puella, declined puella, puellae, puellae, puellam, puella in the five cases of the singular.
    2. to recite or display all or some subset of the inflected forms of a noun, pronoun, or adjective in a fixed order.

verb (used without object)

, de·clined, de·clin·ing.
  1. to express courteous refusal; refuse:

    We sent him an invitation but he declined.

  2. to bend or slant down; slope downward; descend:

    The hill declines to the lake.

    Antonyms: rise

  3. (of pathways, routes, objects, etc.) to follow a downward course or path:

    The sun declined in the skies.

  4. to draw toward the close, as the day.
  5. to fail in strength, vigor, character, value, etc.; deteriorate.

    Synonyms: languish, diminish, weaken, decay, degenerate

    Antonyms: improve

  6. to fail or dwindle; sink or fade away:

    to decline in popularity.

  7. to descend, as to an unworthy level; stoop.
  8. Grammar. to be characterized by declension.


  1. a downward slope; declivity.

    Synonyms: hill

  2. a downward movement, as of prices or population; diminution:

    a decline in the stock market.

  3. a failing or gradual loss, as in strength, character, power, or value; deterioration:

    the decline of the Roman Empire.

    Synonyms: enfeeblement, degeneration, retrogression

  4. a gradual deterioration of the physical powers, as in later life or in disease:

    After his seventieth birthday he went into a decline.

  5. progress downward or toward the close, as of the sun or the day.
  6. the later years or last part:

    He became an editor in the decline of his life.


/ dɪˈklaɪn /


  1. to refuse to do or accept (something), esp politely
  2. intr to grow smaller; diminish

    demand has declined over the years

  3. to slope or cause to slope downwards
  4. intr to deteriorate gradually, as in quality, health, or character
  5. grammar to state or list the inflections of (a noun, adjective, or pronoun), or (of a noun, adjective, or pronoun) to be inflected for number, case, or gender Compare conjugate
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


  1. gradual deterioration or loss
  2. a movement downwards or towards something smaller; diminution
  3. a downward slope; declivity
  4. archaic.
    any slowly progressive disease, such as tuberculosis
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Derived Forms

  • deˈclinable, adjective
  • deˈcliner, noun
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Other Words From

  • de·cliner noun
  • prede·cline verb (used with object) predeclined predeclining
  • rede·cline verb redeclined redeclining noun
  • unde·clined adjective
  • unde·clining adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of decline1

First recorded in 1275–1325; (verb) Middle English declinen, from Old French: “to inflect, turn aside, sink,” from Latin dēclīnāre “to slope, incline, bend”; compare Greek klī́nein “to lean” ( lean 1 ); (noun) Middle English declin, from Old French, derivative of decliner
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Word History and Origins

Origin of decline1

C14: from Old French decliner to inflect, turn away, sink, from Latin dēclīnāre to bend away, inflect grammatically
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Synonym Study

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Example Sentences

The U.S. is failing to keep pace with dozens of countries around the world due to the steady decline of the nation's health progress, according to a detailed analysis of all 50 states and Washington, D.C., published in The Lancet.

That's a substantial decline from 19th in 1990 and 51st in 2022.

LE that's forecasted in 2050 is due to a decline in mortality rates, including a 49.4% decline in ischemic heart disease death rates, a 40.5% drop in stroke death rates, and a 35.7% decrease in diabetes death rates.

"The rapid decline of the U.S. in global rankings from 2022 to 2050 rings the alarm for immediate action. The U.S. must change course and find new and better health strategies and policies that slow down the decline in future health outcomes," said co-senior author Dr. Stein Emil Vollset, Affiliate Professor from IHME.

The iNaturalist data showed New York having the largest lanternfly population in 2022, and based on patterns in states with earlier invasions, the researchers predicted that the population would peak and decline in the years that followed -- a prediction that played out this year, with far less frequent sightings of the insects.



