


[ ej-er-tuhn ]


  1. Harold Eugene Doc, 1903–90, U.S. electrical engineer and photographer.

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Brendan Conlon, WARRIOR By day, Brendan Conlon (Joel Edgerton) is a physics teacher at a local high school.

Edgerton's Britain is not a quaint land of outdated traditions, left behind by the surging modernity of its rivals.

In the final, he matches up against his estranged brother, played by Aussie Joel Edgerton (Animal Kingdom).

Agnes Edgerton, the former reader of Little Women, made no effort to conceal her admiration.

Agnes Edgerton demanded a little impatiently and Betty thought she saw the same expression on all the faces about her.

Edgerton Rosythe, come in here—you've got a good excuse, I admit—I'm almost as much scared of your wife as you are yourself.

On this point, as an official of the fight, Referee Edgerton did not feel called upon to express an opinion.

Midshipman Edgerton, looking very much puzzled, stepped over to Dave Darrin's corner.





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