

View synonyms for Hawkeye


[ hawk-ahy ]


, plural Hawk·eyes.
  1. a native or inhabitant of Iowa (used as a nickname).

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Example Sentences

For many Republicans presidential hopefuls, the road to the nomination passes through the Hawkeye State.

The announcement comes as pro-Warren activists are holding their first major event in the Hawkeye State on Wednesday night.

The group included insurance executives and brokers, real estate developers, and former Hawkeye State legislators.

Ernst won her race for Montgomery County auditor, a deceptively powerful position in local Hawkeye State politics, in 2005.

For now, neither Warren nor Clinton are campaigning with long-shot Democrats in the Hawkeye State.

Is there no difference, Hawkeye, between the stone-headed arrow of the warrior, and the leaden bullet with which you kill?

With ready skill, Hawkeye and his antagonist each grasped that uplifted arm of the other which held the dangerous knife.

Swift as thought, Hawkeye seized the advantage, and discharged his fatal weapon into the top of the oak.

Hawkeye spoke to him in Delaware, when the young chief took his position with singular caution and undisturbed coolness.

When he ventured to utter this impression to his companions, it was met by Hawkeye with an incredulous shake of the head.




