

Orthodox Jew


  1. a Jew who adheres faithfully to the principles and practices of traditional Judaism as evidenced chiefly by a devotion to and study of the Torah, daily synagogue attendance if possible, and strict observance of the Sabbath, religious festivals, holy days, and the dietary laws.

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Example Sentences

Lottie believed, as an Orthodox Jew, that the next thing that happened was divine intervention.

A Modern Orthodox Jew, a Buddhist and a Quaker walk into…the Capitol?

And Burg is an Orthodox Jew from a distinguished Israeli political family.

Talking about people like me—a Modern Orthodox Jew—Rabbi Cohen asked, “Are these people even Jews?”

In a religious movement that lacks a centralized authority, it is the unfortunate right of one Orthodox Jew to define out another.

Being an orthodox Jew, he naturally wore a long, black levitical coat which concealed his swinging woollen fringes.

But he was interrupted by the coming of the Sabbath, for Jahveh was in those days, of course, a very orthodox Jew.

How came it that this orthodox Jew, this pillar of the synagogue, married a Christian woman?

The orthodox Jew is not an Englishman or a German, even though he may happen to have been born in the countries named.

These circumstances, as the orthodox Jew supposed, enhanced the glory of the Law.





Orthodox ChurchOrthodox Judaism