

Palo Alto

[ pal-oh al-toh pah-loh ahl-toh ]


  1. a city in W California, SE of San Francisco.
  2. a battlefield in S Texas, near Brownsville: first battle of Mexican War fought here in 1846.

Palo Alto


  1. ˈpæləʊ ˈæltəʊ a city in W California, southeast of San Francisco: founded in 1891 as the seat of Stanford University. Pop: 57 233 (2003 est)
  2. ˈpalo ˈalto a battlefield in E Mexico, northwest of Monterrey, where the first battle (1846) of the Mexican War took place, in which the Mexicans under General Mariano Arista were defeated by the Americans under General Zachary Taylor

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Example Sentences

She found an out-of-network doctor in Palo Alto who would do the surgery about a month later.

Eventually Franco took an acting job so his production company could put his salary into Palo Alto.

The company famously founded in a Palo Alto garage in 1939 is in a barely controlled descent.

I saw Andrea Mitchell interviewing her later, and Condi said no, no, I'm not interested in that, my life in is Palo Alto, etc.

They have also been in Palo Alto, Calif., long enough to know the special agony of a Silicon Valley divorce.

In their progress, they at length reached a broad prairie, bounded by Palo Alto, a thick grove of dwarfish trees.

The two rode along under the oaks to the instructor's Palo Alto boarding-house.

That girl was on hand, too, with a gang of Palo Alto girls all ready to start things for Boggsie.

Miss Brown, my cousin, invites you all down to her home in Palo Alto for a little refreshment.

They pointed to his rather doubtful record as a member of the Daily Palo Alto board.





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