
View synonyms for shoo


[ shoo ]


  1. (used to scare or drive away a cat, dog, chickens, birds, etc.)

verb (used with object)

, shooed, shoo·ing.
  1. to drive away by saying or shouting “shoo.”
  2. to request or force (a person) to leave:

    I'll have to shoo you out of here now.

verb (used without object)

, shooed, shoo·ing.
  1. to call out “shoo.”


/ ʃuː /


  1. go away!: used to drive away unwanted or annoying people, animals, etc


  1. tr to drive away by or as if by crying "shoo."
  2. intr to cry "shoo."

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Word History and Origins

Origin of shoo1

1475–85; earlier showe, shough, shooh, ssou (interjection), imitative; compare German schu

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Word History and Origins

Origin of shoo1

C15: imitative; related to Middle High German schū, French shou, Italian scio

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Example Sentences

Still “Happy,” truthfully, should have been a shoo-in for Record of the Year given its incessant popularity this past year.

Of course the opposite is true too--if McAuliffe bucks history and wins, then Politico will have to write that HRC is a shoo-in.

The Gyllenhaal siblings are also a shoo-in, though I fear I would jibber and jabber—and possibly giggle—over Jake.

When the rest of us would stand, we could watch parts of the ceremony until security would try to shoo us back to our seats.

The Iron Lady actress bested frontrunner Viola Davis, who seemed a shoo-in for her turn in The Help.

The grotesque fancy came into my head that she would do the same thing if she wanted to shoo some chickens out of a garden.

A gust o' win' is skirlin' the noo, and as we luik ower the faem, the haar is risin', weetin' the green swaird wi' misty shoo'rs.

The draper wasna certain that so licht a shoo'r could richtly be called rain.

Every night at milking time I shoo them out until they finally get it into their heads they are not wanted.

Cap Pike left the fire to stand guard over the water barrels and shoo the mules away.



