

View synonyms for Wales


[ weylz ]


  1. a division of the United Kingdom, in SW Great Britain. 8,016 sq. mi. (20,760 sq. km).


/ weɪlz /


  1. a principality that is part of the United Kingdom, in the west of Great Britain; conquered by the English in 1282; parliamentary union with England took place in 1536: a separate Welsh Assembly with limited powers was established in 1999. Wales consists mainly of moorlands and mountains and has an economy that is chiefly agricultural, with an industrial and former coal-mining area in the south. Capital: Cardiff. Pop: 2 938 000 (2003 est). Area: 20 768 sq km (8017 sq miles) Welsh nameCymru Medieval Latin nameCambria
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


  1. One of the four countries that make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland , occupying the western peninsula of the island of Great Britain . Its capital and largest city is Cardiff.

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Welsh culture is known for its writers and singers, dating back more than one thousand years to the bards (poet-singers) of the Middle Ages .
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Example Sentences

Iggy Azalea was born Amethyst Amelia Kelly in New South Wales.

The king set about punishing Marshal, opposing his attempts to establish his family in their lands in Ireland and Wales.

The royal couple then traveled on to the Welsh capital of Cardiff to watch a rugby match between Wales and Australia.

His predicament eventually become something of a cause célèbre, attracting even the attention of the Princess of Wales.

In his version of the story, he then convinced Wales to try the wiki approach.

Such a furnace worked there for many years, until copper smelting was removed from Cornwall to Wales.

Scotland has eight working railway companies, England and Wales 104, and Ireland 28.

A 60-horse-power engine was being built in Wales, with an 8-feet stroke, to work expansively with 30 lbs.

The cast-iron outer casing was soon abandoned, though one of them in Wales remained in work fifty years, using steam of 60 lbs.

I shall write to you again before I leave home, and as soon as I arrive in Wales will also write to you.




