


[ wil-helm; German vil-helm ]


  1. a male given name, German form of William.

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Example Sentences

Klocker says he was bitter and would compare himself to such persecuted gurus as Timothy Leary and Wilhelm Reich.

The doctrines, which drew on the likes of Wilhelm Reich, replaced absolute fidelity with ordained promiscuity.

A crude label, written in red crayon and held on with tape, read , “Friedrich Wilhelm Ier, der Soldaten König.”

Two of them, Wilhelm, an officer, and his brother, Friedhelm, are about to leave for the front.

Lieut. Wilhelm Winter says at the outset that he is fighting for the Fatherland, but by 1941 he is fighting for the Fuhrer.

Ferdinand Wilhelm Becker died; a distinguished German physician.

Friedrich Wilhelm's Mother, as we hinted, did not live to see this marriage which she had forecast in her maternal heart.

She had Friedrich Wilhelm, the rough boy; and perhaps nothing more of very precious property.

Friedrich Wilhelm reads it (Hotham gives him reading of it) some weeks hence; we not till generations afterwards.

Friedrich Wilhelm regretted the dinner, regretted to hurt the good man's feelings; but could stand it no longer.





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