

View synonyms for adroitness


[ uh-droit-nis ]


  1. dexterity, flexibility, ease, and speed in the use of the hands or body:

    Instead of main roads he prefers the steep, rocky shortcuts through the forest, which he negotiates with the adroitness of a dancer.

  2. clever skill or ingenuity:

    The former governor, whose eight years out of office have eroded his adroitness as a debater, delivered a low-key and sometimes halting performance.

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  • un·adroit·ness noun
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Example Sentences

The web makers, however, could win their battles, thanks to adroit fighting, venom and lots of prey-wrapping silk.

He had, moreover, the adroitness to extirpate that rivalry which alone destroys all united effort.

He went at his job with a handy adroitness which was almost scientific, it was so much like surgery, like dissection.

Jem resented this doubt cast upon his adroitness, and crawled out among the bushes.

He was playing for two stakes—present profit and future power and glory; and he played with brave adroitness.

Such a singular mixture of courage, adroitness and statesmanship was he that everywhere he prevailed by one method or another.




