


[ ag-uh-buhs ]


  1. a Christian prophet who predicted a great famine.

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Example Sentences

Agabus, the former chauffeur, and two other ex-employees said the man who provided the kidney was paid to go through with the transplant, though they did not know the exact source of the money.

After the first day at Mission, the prince rarely attended class, said former chauffeur Martin Agabus and another employee who, like many of the prince’s ex-staffers, spoke on the condition of anonymity to preserve future job prospects.

This man had four unmarried daughters who prophesied, and in his house Paul received a 'prophetic' warning of his fate from a certain Agabus who had come down from Jud�a.

Agabus will not have been the only Jud�an prophet who visited them, especially after the "great tribulation" which befell "those in Jud�a."

Nor is this independence of climate to be observed less frequently in the aquatic forms, than in the terrestrial ones: the Agabus bipustulatus, Linn., common in the streams and pools of the whole of Europe, the north of Africa, and in Madeira, although naturally somewhat inconstant, offers no aberration, the result of latitude; as is equally the case with the Hydroporus confluens, Fab., which is found from Sweden to the Canaries, and the Eunectes sticticus, Linn.,—an insect literally cosmopolitan.



